Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Matchmaking Event “Partnerships for Horizon Europe: smart city projects”


250+ participants from organisations from 25 European countries

Three weeks of matchmaking for the next Horizon Europe calls related to smart cities and related topics such as mobility, safety, security, energy, smart communities.

The brokerage event brought together 250+ participants from organisations from 25 European countries. It was a unique opportunity to generate new contacts to develop projects and ideas and assess collaboration opportunities for research, development and innovation under Horizon Europe 2023.

During this online event companies, research centres, universities, cities and other entities interested in smart cities and related topics such as mobility, safety, security, energy, smart communities could choose to which of the 3 half-day presentation sessions to participate according to the interests, competences and expertise:

November 23rd: Smart Mobility - Go to the AGENDA 23/11

November 28th: Safety, Security and Data economy - Go to the AGENDA 28/11

December 2nd: Smart CityGo to the AGENDA 2/12
In this third session Michael Hauck, PB Consult, member of Cluster Mobility & Logistics presented the companies’ competences related to smart city topics. Contact us, if you missed the opportunity to connect with him. We will arrange a meeting.

Each participant had the opportunity to organise after the sessions bilateral online meetings. The online tool B2Match was open for 3 weeks.

Cluster Mobility & Logistics organised, together with 13 European clusters, the online matchmaking event “Partnerships for Horizon Europe: smart cities & communities projects”. It was held on 23rd November, 28th November and 2nd December 2022.

The events was supported and co-organised in partnership with REMOBILISE and RECIPROCITY projects.

2023 Horizon Europe calls updates

The Work Programmes drafts for 2023-2024 are now available HERE

Open calls are found at the EU funding and tenders portal


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