Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Remobilise training session


Scenario planning: Next Mobility Generation

MOBINOV is a competitiveness cluster in the automotive industry, which aims to promote the convergence of various players in the national automotive industry, including global manufacturers and suppliers present in Portugal, national suppliers, associations and knowledge centers and universities, around an ambitious action plan and structured in programs aimed at the development of the industry.

On December 7, Mobinov organised a virtual training session focused on Scenario Planning: Next Mobility Generation 

The “Scenario Planning” training empowered cluster organisations to better understand the past, improve decision-making in the present and embrace preferred future in an accelerated and unpredictable world. This program was designed to improve the participants skillset and toolbox in strategic foresight allowing them to improve the competitive positioning of organizations and used these as inputs to identify new growth opportunities, foster strategic agility, and design innovation strategies and projects. 

The REMOBILISE project provides training and education activities for cluster managers to help to improve the skills of clustermanagers and their teams, in order to increase the impact and the benefits for cluster members, with a focus on SMEs. The  cluster  managers and staff members from all European cluster organisations are welcome to join the trainings and will benefit from coaching sessions proposed by the experts within the clusters, as well as from mutual learning between the organisations.

Each session is held by the REMOBILISE cluster organisation with expertise in the respective area, in form of webinars or workshops.


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