Cluster Mobility & Logistics

RECIPROCITY - Master Mobility Workshop


online, 09:00 – 11:30 Uhr

The RECIPROCITY project adresses the challenges of urbanisation and climate change by initiating innovative mobility solutions in at least 20 European cities.

As local areas have to be empowered with tools, knowledge and contacts to help accelerate the development process of innovative mobility solutions, the RECIPROCITY consortium will organize several events during the next months.

In this context we hope you will register to our Master Mobility Workshop. This digital event will take place on June, 10th between 9.00 AM & 11.30.

By participating to this event, you will be able to :

  • Meet 200 stakeholders from all over Europe and interact with them
  • Learn more about RECIPROCITY and what the project can bring you
  • Identify the stakeholders involved in the project, including but not limited to your local area
  • Get more contacts from the mobility and energy communities !

Thank you for registering to our Master Mobility Workshop !

Please note that we are going to use Mentimeter and ConceptBoard during the meeting - do not hesitate to have a look on both websites !

We hope to see you on June, 10th !

Best regards

The RECIPROCITY project team


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101006576


  1. Opening
  2. Introduction
  3. Keynote : "The importance of smart cities, the challenges and the importance of projects such as RECIPROCITY" given by Judith O'MEARA - Innovation Hub Central Director at the EIT Urban Mobility
  4. Interactive sessions
  5. Conclusion

Keynote speaker : Judith O'MEARA - Innovation Hub Central Director at the EIT Urban Mobility

Judith has been engaged in EIT Urban Mobility since its very inception and was active during its proposal and start-up phase. Over the last two decades, Judith acquired a wide expertise with European funding schemes, advised on EU Framework Programmes (FP6, FP7, HORIZON 2020) and became deeply involved in the politics and operations of various KICs. She supported the establishment of consortia, managed proposals and administered collaborative European and international projects at various institutions – amongst others – the Max-Planck Society and the Technical University of Munich. Working for a consultancy, she gained experiences with the commercialization of research results and new technologies as well as the design and marketing of training programs with a strong entrepreneurial component for international customers. She holds an interdisciplinary Masters' Degree in Contemporary European Studies from the University of Sussex.

Learn more about the EIT Urban Mobility

More information about the project RECIPROCITY:



Please register here.

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