Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)



Three Days full of safe and sustainable mobility

As part of the EU project Recipe4Mobility, the Cluster Mobility & Logistics welcomed both national and international participants to a digital event. Following the Cluster Missions in The Netherlands and France, the Recipe4Mobility project virtually held its third Cluster Mission in Regensburg! Hosted by Cluster Mobility and Logistics on 24th to 26th of January 2022, this Cluster Mission has gathered clusters and SMEs from five countries.

Recipe4Mobility Cluster Missions aim to bring clusters and SMEs together, to inspire them to learn more about the local ecosystem of the hosting cluster and to exchange and connect with other European SMEs working on the field of safe and sustainable mobility.

Welcoming the participants to the digital conference and announcing the different topics for the next 3 days (“Autonomous Driving”, “IoT meets Mobility”, “Recipe4Mobility project”) has opened the Cluster Mission and introduced participants theBavarian mobility ecosystem.

Starting with keynote speeches of das Stadtwerk Regensburg, AVL, Autonomous Reply and Valeo to introduce the topic of day 1, the Regensburg pilot project “Autonomous people mover” on autonomous shuttle busses was presented. To visualize the project the cluster created an image movie, which was officially launched at the cluster mission. After that, the morning session was closed by an open discussion with controversial questions about the future of autonomous driving.

The second day followed the same programme as day 1, at first the topic “IoT meets Mobility” was introduced by keynote speeches of Bertrandt and Strategic Partnership for Sensor Technologies. In relation to this, a live demo was presented to visually illustrate the topic, followed by an open discussion with the plenary.

During the afternoon sessions, the participants have had the chance to engage in B2B meetings, to connect with German SMEs and establish new practical bonds.

Moreover, the participants had the possibility to learn more about the Recipe4Mobility project as well as how this European partnership collaborates in the future during the last day of the cluster mission. The mission was closed with a networking happy hour to foster the communication and exchange among the project partners in times of Covid-19 restrictions.

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