Regensburg | Transport Congress

The Cluster Mobility & Logistics is the organizer of the Regensburg Transport Congress. The Transport Congress is a platform for presenting regional projects that can be used to make the city's mobility and logistics smarter and more environmentally friendly. The implementation of such concepts is a particular challenge for cities. The Transport Congress shows how technology can be used to make cities smarter and more environmentally friendly.


Challenge of urbanization

According to an estimate by the United Nations Population Fund, around 5 billion people will be living in cities by 2030. In the EU, two thirds of people already live in cities. Other developments, such as climate and demographic change, present cities with a number of additional challenges arising from this urbanization trend in order to be able to offer their citizens attractive living and working conditions in the future. In many large cities, a significant proportion of inner-city traffic problems are caused by freight traffic, often as a result of the high concentration of businesses in just a few square kilometers of space.




Are you interested in taking part in the Transport Congress?

You can find current information under Events (Transport Congress).


Natalie Schwab
Events & members
+49 941 604889 20