Short description

In a world affected by environmental influences and climate change, intelligent and smart mobility solutions are becoming increasingly important, especially in urban environments. Data collection as the first necessary step in evaluating sensible measures lays the foundation for adaptive mobility concepts of the future.

The aim of the project is the initial provision and analysis of data collected with the help of environmental sensors. For AVL Software and Functions GmbH, this project represents a significant contribution to the R_NEXT and Reallabor strategy, which on the one hand includes technological content such as End2End, connectivity and data analytics and on the other hand underlines the ecological mission of the Reallabor Mobility.


Image film project environmental sensor boxes


>>> To the image film about the environmental sensor boxes project. <<<


Project partner

Services & Activities

Three sensor boxes equipped with PV and a wireless connection (developed by GESPRO and AVL), which measure environmentally relevant parameters such as temperature, humidity, VOC content, NOx index and particle concentrations, are to be positioned in Regensburg. Such energy-autonomous wireless measuring points are hardly widespread. This is the great advantage of this application.

The sensor boxes deliver the recorded data to a data backend via a LORAWAN wireless connection (planned use of The Things Network). The data stored in this way is used to create dashboards, visualizations and evaluations. The type and quantity of data obtained should help to support the tender for a mobility data hub by the municipal utility. Ideally, this initial data will then be integrated into this data hub and made available for experimental and research purposes and as a basis for decision-making. Such a data platform will make it possible to combine different data sources in the future and generate added value from them.

AVL Software and Functions GmbH is responsible for the technical implementation and the Cluster Mobility & Logistics for project coordination, stakeholder management and communication of the project.

Project duration: 01.05.2024 - 31.12.2026

R_Lab Mobility project - real-world laboratory for urban mobility

The environmental sensor boxes project is an application project in the R_Lab Mobilität, Real-world laboratory for urban mobility.

A press conference was held on 21.05.2024 to mark the start of the “R_Lab Mobility” project. In TVA video of the press conference the environmental sensor boxes application project was presented.

The application project supports the Regensburg Plan 2040 by optimizing mobility and promoting data-driven urban development. Citizens benefit from increased safety and more efficient traffic planning, while the city and companies benefit from the data obtained for future projects and innovations. At the same time, local trials are intended to increase acceptance of such a sensor project in public spaces.


Uwe Pfeil
Cluster manager
Tel. +49 941 604889 55