Smart & sustainable | The technology network for mobility and logistics

In the age of electromobility and IT logistics, we work with our partners and members to find intelligent answers to upcoming social and technological challenges. We help to secure existing competitive advantages and create new ones.

Through broad networking, the procurement of project partners, contacts to international networks and the initiation and promotion of research projects, we sustainably shape the innovative fields of mobility and logistics.

What we do

Critical infrastructures such as mobility and logistics are subject to constant change. Technologies are disappearing and new ones are emerging, and socio-economic contexts are adapting. This increases the pressure and need for action from companies, public institutions and the competitiveness of entire regions.

We are tackling these challenges as a community, creating solutions together and working on innovative projects.

The Cluster Mobility & Logistics, based in the TechBase Regensburg, is managed by R-Tech GmbH, a subsidiary of the City of Regensburg.

Key aspects

A special feature of the cluster is the interdisciplinary positioning of its partners and members from the mobility and logistics sectors. Science and research are an essential part of this.

As a technology cluster, our primary goal is to develop projects that we promote and advance through the networking of our network partners.

The Cluster Mobility & Logistics focuses on the following topics:

Our network

Bundled innovative strength

Key tasks of the cluster

  • Building platforms for innovation & cooperation

  • Successfully network key players from business, science and politics through trade fairs and congresses

  • Making the expertise and activities of members and partners visible to the public

  • Support members in applying for EU, federal and Bavarian funding for our joint projects


Cluster merger strengthens competitiveness and promotes synergies

In 2021, the Regensburg e-mobility cluster and the IT logistics cluster will merge to form the new Cluster Mobility & Logistics. The pooling of expertise and synergies will create an even stronger network that will ensure that the region's companies and research institutions remain competitive.  The merger also increases the effectiveness and influence of each individual member. The management of the Mobility & Logistics cluster is in the hands of R-Tech GmbH, a subsidiary of the City of Regensburg. Both the Regensburg e-mobility cluster and the IT logistics cluster were founded in 2011 and are an integral part of Regensburg's economic development and innovation strategy as a business location.

The cluster in numbers | Successes

  • Over 100 members & cooperation partners

  • Over 70 research and development projects initiated for companies and universities

  • Awarded the European Gold Label for excellent cluster management

R-Tech GmbH

R-Tech GmbH is a company of the City of Regensburg with the task of promoting business and start-ups in Regensburg and the Upper Palatinate. The company pursues an innovative approach by combining start-up support with active networking and cluster work - two areas that are mutually beneficial. R-Tech GmbH operates the TechBase technology center, which was built in the immediate vicinity of Regensburg University and the East Bavarian Technical University.

