Secure Industrial Condition Monitoring with high functional reliability | Project SI-CM3S

The aim of the SI-CM3S (Secure Industrial Condition Monitoring with High Functional Safety) project is to develop a technology for Industry 4.0, focussing on condition monitoring (CM), i.e. the continuous monitoring of the condition of industrial plants in real time.

The project was initiated in the SeDiPeT Secure Digital Performance Twin network of the Cluster Mobility & Logistics.

Project sponsor: VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH (Central Innovation Programme for SMEs ZIM of the BMWK)

Project duration: 01.01.2021 - 31.07.2024

Project information

The project partners have implemented a pioneering method for monitoring and optimising highly automated semiconductor production processes. As part of this collaboration, a solution was developed that uses advanced data analysis and artificial intelligence (AI) to monitor and improve the efficiency and quality of production facilities in real time.


Project partner

Secure Industrial Semantic Sensor Cloud | Project SISSeC

The aim of the Secure Industrial Semantic Sensor Cloud (SISSeC) project was to develop a technology for Industry 4.0 that makes it possible to securely record data from industrial sensors, classify this data semantically and process and provide the data in a secure cloud environment with the aim of protecting traceability and indisputability.

The project was initiated in the SeDiPeT Secure Digital Performance Twin network of the Cluster Mobility & Logistics.

Project sponsor: VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH (Central Innovation Program for SMEs ZIM of the BMWK)

Project duration: 01.10.2019 - 30.09.2022

Project information

Outsourcing the information to a protected cloud environment resulted in tangible benefits: Data is aggregated and stored centrally, can be accessed at any time and from any location and can be profitably processed and analyzed using artificial intelligence methods in order to optimize production processes. Furthermore, the digital mapping of devices in the Sensor Cloud infrastructure should make it possible to simulate processes and thus optimize them in advance.


Project partner

Secure Digital Performance Twin | Network SeDiPeT

The aim of the SeDiPeT Secure Digital Performance Twin network was to develop secure solutions for digital product memory and thus open up an important area of digital twin technology. A digital product memory continuously collects all data, information and properties relating to a product, thereby enabling the entire product life cycle to be traced. The solutions developed in the network are specially tailored to the requirements of medium-sized manufacturing companies.

Project sponsor: VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH (Central Innovation Program for SMEs ZIM of the BMWK)


Projektträger: VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH (Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand ZIM des BMWK)

Development lines and projects

The network brought together specialists from various fields in joint R&D projects to develop innovative solutions focusing on the following topics:

Development line 1 | Secure Industrial Authentication & Communication

Secure communication forms the basis for the further processing of data. A large part of the R&D efforts focused on finding secure solutions for industrial authentication and communication.

Development line 2 | Secure Industrial Cloud

The aggregation of more and more data from a wide variety of data sources requires dynamic options for data provision and processing in industry. Cloud-based approaches provide the necessary computing power to use data profitably. Secure industrial cloud solutions for intelligent data processing and the creation of digital twins should be provided.

Project partner

Secure Industrial Systems Enabling Network|Network SISEN

The network brought together specialists from various fields (authentication, secure communication, remote maintenance) in joint development projects. The vision of the network was to develop secure systems ("Secure Industrial Systems") for medium-sized manufacturing companies.

Project sponsor: VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH (Central Innovation Program for SMEs ZIM of the BMWK)

Development lines and projects

Secure authentication

  • Identity and access management for devices and systems in the digital factory
  • Zero-touch authentication
  • Secure plug & play
  • PreBoot authentication with flexible hard disk encryption

Secure communication

  • Intrusion detection for industrial automation protocols
  • Industrial Sensor Cloud for processing production data

Secure remote maintenance

  • Secure and isolated remote access to components in the digital factory

Project partner

Mobile Condition Monitoring System | Research project MobiCM

The aim of the MobiCM research project was to develop a mobile condition monitoring system to monitor production machines in their entirety from just one central measuring point. By disaggregating the sensor data from just one measuring point to individual systems and devices, a comprehensive image of the production system is created with minimal measuring effort. The entirety of the signals is recorded by an active network analysis sensor, which is subsequently attached to a network distribution point or a network connection point.

Project sponsor: VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH (Central Innovation Program for SMEs ZIM of the BMWK)

Project information

Deggendorf Institute of Technology, TU Munich and the two Regensburg-based companies Schindler & Schill and SYSTEMA worked on a research project in the field of Industry 4.0. With MobiCM, they developed an intelligent system for the predictive condition monitoring of machines.

The project was initiated in the I2P Innovative IT for Production network of the Mobility & Logistics cluster.

Project duration: 01.04.2017 to 30.09.2020

Project partner

Innovative IT for production | Network I2P

Digitization forms the framework of Industry 4.0, combining the production of tomorrow with state-of-the-art information and communication technology. The future of industry lies in the resulting cyber-physical production systems (CPPS) - a fusion of the physical and virtual worlds. These are able to communicate with each other through intelligent networking, trigger actions and control each other. 
They form the basis for the intelligent factory of the future (Smart Factory) and enable new business models through the manufacture of intelligent products (Smart Products).

Project sponsor: VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH (Central Innovation Program for SMEs ZIM of the BMWK)

Development lines and projects

The technical goal of the network was to develop innovative IT solutions for the production of tomorrow. R&D projects were to be designed and implemented in the project period from 2014 to 2017. The network thus made a contribution to keeping industrial production, as the backbone of the German economy, competitive in the long term.

The MobiCM research project (development of a mobile condition monitoring system) emerged from the I2P network.

Project partner