NIL | Network for Innovative Logistics

The network brought together logistics specialists from the fields of production automation, warehouse logistics, transport logistics, merchandise management, process simulation and RFID.

Lines of development

The aim was to implement software-based logistics systems across company boundaries. Technologically, this was achieved using a service-oriented architecture (SOA). The services encapsulate the functionality of the network partners' dedicated IT systems. The network partners received an additional sales channel for their existing IT systems as elements of an integrated logistics system.

  • Improved market positioning through improved integration of the individual solutions
  • Utilization of the partners' complementary expertise
  • More extensive, because also joint market access

Foundation stone laid for the cluster

The NIL network was the predecessor network of the cluster. Due to the great synergies that have developed between the participating companies in the NIL network, it was decided to continue the cooperation within the framework of a cluster. The Cluster Mobility & Logistics (formerly IT Logistics Cluster) is thus the first German cluster to have developed from a ZIM network!

Project period: 2009 - 2012