Short description

Generation and use of data protection-compliant 3D city data in real time for transparency, resilience and greater safety on the roads.

At traffic hotspots in Regensburg such as the Galgenberg, university bus station or TechBase intersection, time-critical situations such as dangerous density of people with high dynamics as well as traffic congestion and accidents can arise. No real-time data with high quality and data protection conformity is available for recording the current situation. The aim is to realize the future optimization of bus operations with more cost efficiency and customer satisfaction as well as more protection of vulnerable road users such as cyclists and pedestrians on the basis of the data model (Digital Twin).

The creation of a data protection-compliant 3D model and the utilization of this data for decision-making processes in the city and university administration as well as Stadtwerk.Regensburg will be tested using the example of the central bus stop (ZOH) “Universität Regensburg”. At the same time, on-site testing is intended to increase the acceptance of such a sensor project in public spaces.


Image-Film Project ReSense3D


>>> To the image film about the ReSense3D project. <<<


Project partner

Application project ReSense3D

By using a mobile LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging)sensor system with edge computing and power supply, 3D movement data can be recorded in real time. These data are flows of people and traffic with classification (vehicle, people, buses, bicycles, motorcycles) with information on position, trajectory, speed and 3D visualization. This is not personal data such as history recognition. The LiDAR sensor data is data protection compliant. The data content is static 3D environment data (a 3D digital model of the bus station, streets and buildings) as well as dynamic data in real time. The result is an analysis of the density of people and associated warnings of dangerous situations. In addition, dangerous contexts at the traffic junction can be identified.

NewSense Engingeering is thus contributing the use of three mobile LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) sensor systems and AI-based software for data acquisition and analysis to the project. digitalwerk Regensburg is acting as a technology partner for the provision of a data infrastructure and data interface in a cloud environment. The Cluster Mobility & Logistics is responsible for project coordination, stakeholder management and communication of the project.

Project duration: 01.07.2024 - 30.11.2026 (measurement at the university bus station 04.11.2024 - 08.11.2024)

R_Lab Mobility project - real-world laboratory for urban mobility

The ReSense3D project is an application project in the R_Lab Mobility, a real-world laboratory for urban mobility.

A press conference was held on 5 November 2024 to mark the launch of the ReSense3D project. The application project was presented in the TVA video of the press conference.

The application project supports the Regensburg Plan 2040 by optimizing mobility and promoting data-driven urban development. Citizens benefit from increased safety and more efficient traffic planning, while the city and companies benefit from the data obtained for future projects and innovations. At the same time, local trials are intended to increase acceptance of such a sensor project in public spaces.


Uwe Pfeil
Cluster manager
Tel. +49 941 604889 55