Cluster Mobility & Logistics

RECIPROCITY Mobility Assembly Brussels


Rue du Luxembourg 3, Bruxelles Belgium

The Mobility Assembly is a mobility matchmaking and networking event co-located in the POLIS Conference


The RECIPROCITY project organises a set of three Mobility Assemblies co-located with large-scale mobility events.

Mobility Assembly Brussels is destined and open to any interested mobility stakeholder willing to increase awareness between financial Intermediaries as Venture Capital, Business Angel Networks or Banks, and mobility ecosystem, cities, industry, mobility providers or policy makers.

The Mobility Assembly includes different actions as presentations of actors, initiatives and projects, one-to-one meetings, and working group meetings. The aim is to bring together different actors to foster potential cooperation in different areas related to sustainable urban mobility.

The assembly, co-located with POLIS conference, offers the opportunity to learn about the transport achievements of cities and regions, as well as to interact with a wide audience of mobility experts, practitioners and decision-makers.

Attendees will be able to profit from the extensive programme the Annual POLIS Conference 2022 will offer an on sustainable urban mobility. Take the chance and participate in a mix of 32 parallel sessions, 8 deep-dive panels, and 2 plenaries focused on some of the hottest topics that are high on the mobility agenda of cities and regions. You will have plenty of opportunities to discuss and explore the critical challenges affecting urban mobility with some of the world’s most innovative thinkers. And the best: we can support you financially with the ticket purchase! More info in the “Application” section.






DAY 1 | 29.11.2022 : Mobility Assembly Programme 

Location: ERRINRue du Luxembourg 3, Brussels

15:00 | Welcome and introduction of Mobility Assembly in Brussels

15:05 | Presentation of innovative mobility startup projects working on solutions for Smart Cities: Presentation of innovative mobility projects working on solutions for smart cities: New tools and ideas to accelerate the shift towards a sustainable model of urban mobility will be presented.

16:30 | Coffe break

16:45 | Working group meetings: Through the example of use cases collected in RECIPROCITY, the aim is to explore and understand the financial needs and obstacles of innovative projects in the field of mobility based on the experiences of the participants.

  • Hydrogen Mobility
  • On demand mobility
  • Use of data for urban transport management


DAY 2 | 30.11.2022 : Participation in the Annual POLIS Conference & visit exhibition area - You are welcome to already meet at the RECIPROCITY booth

Location: The Egg Brussels; RECIPROCITY stand location

09:00 | Participation in general POLIS Conference programme & visit of exhibition area on your own - You are welcome to meet at the RECIPROCITY booth

On top of the POLICE Conference programme you will further have the chance on the second day of the Mobility Assembly to participate in the RECIPROCITY matchmaking event.

14:00 | Matchmaking event: opportunity to generate new business contacts: RECIPROCITY booth


DAY 3 | 1.12.2022 : Mobility Assembly Programme II

Location: The Egg Brussels

09:00 | Participation in general POLIS Conference programme & visit of exhibition area on your own - You are welcome to meet at the RECIPROCITY booth


Location: ERRINRue du Luxembourg 3, Brussels

16:30 | Financing sustainable mobility projects, tools and examples: In this session, different lines of financing at European level for sustainable mobility projects will be presented, as well as examples of projects already implemented, both in the way they finance their investment and their business model.

17:55 | Closing


Application for travel voucher

You are a city, service provider, RECIPROCITY External Advisory Board Member or other European mobility stakeholder and you want to be part of the RECIPROCITY Mobility Assembly in Brussels?

Applications for travel vouchers are open. Partial funding may cover travel/ hospitality costs as well as ticket fees for the Annual POLIS Conference 2022 and may be up to 400€/ trip for those who will be attending all 3 days .

If you choose to apply for a travel voucher during the registration we will contact you with further details afterwards.

+++ Applications for travel vouchers are open until 14th November 2022+++



The project’s goal is to initiate and support replication projects in at least 20 cities and municipalities varying in size, location, degree of urbanization and mobility demand. They will be equipped with the tools, knowledge and contacts to accelerate the process of replicating innovative mobility solutions. Therefore, the project establishs the format of Mobility Missions and Mobility Assemblies.

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