Artificial intelligence in energy and mobility | Background

AI (artificial intelligence) brings together a number of areas of computer science and mathematics with the aim of solving complex tasks. AI now offers a wide range of possible applications and opens up cross-sector opportunities for companies in the energy and mobility industries. Nevertheless, the technology is still a long way off. Energy and mobility, with their widely ramified networks, are an ideal field of application for artificial intelligence. For example, the intelligent evaluation of data can be used to manage the future integration of electromobility via AI-driven energy managers in microgrids.

The project was initiated in the “IntelliZell Intelligent Energy Distribution for Grid Relief at Cell Level” network of the Cluster Mobility & Logistics.


This working group aims to support and promote the exchange of knowledge, technology, contacts and ideas in the field of AI in energy and mobility. The objective is the exchange between researchers, companies and users in the field of AI in energy and mobility, networking and cooperation within the working group and the initiation of new projects.

Activities | of the Working Group

Technological cooperation

  • Development of a pool of experts
  • Support with match-making
  • Information and advice on funding applications
    • Funding / technology scouting
    • R&D funding application coaching

Marketing and public relations

  • Reports about the working group on the website, in social media, flyers, in the newsletter and in specialist media
  • Organization of workshops, e.g. with users
  • Events with cooperation partners
  • Use of the online job market and the job wall in the TechBase

Networking and sharing experiences

The Working Group meets two to three times a year, each time focusing on a different topic, in order to exchange ideas and gain new impetus through specialist presentations and the presentation of use cases.


Participants | Achieving more together

The Working Group is aimed at companies and research institutions with the relevant technological expertise, but also users who are willing to work on cross-company projects, share knowledge and jointly develop and apply new technologies.

Press, News & Events

Would you like to take part?

The Working Group is open to other members who would like to develop innovative solutions and share knowledge together with other companies and research institutions.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

About the Cluster team


Katja Eichinger
Project manager
Tel. +49 941 604889 30