Our members and cooperation partners implemented successful projects in networks and partnerships initiated by the Cluster Mobility & Logistics.
In November 2019, the SeDiPeT Secure Digital Performance Twin network came up with the idea of developing a new type of system to reduce machine downtimes in production through condition monitoring.
The project offers companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, regional and transnational measures to actively shape technological and market change
REMOBILISE (REgrouping MOBILIty clusters to develop Skills and Exchange) proved to be a beacon of collaborative innovation ecosystems in the field of sustainable mobility initiatives across Europe.
It was the first time that a Horizon 2020 project was initialized and set up with the cluster as a leadpartner: Project RECIPROCITY.
For the second time, small and large companies from the region presented themselves as attractive employers with concrete job offers at the TechBase job exhibition, the JOBTECH.
The DInO journey began in June 2023 with the aim of shaping the region's digital future. For a strong business location in Eastern Bavaria.
The focus of this Working Group will be on digital production logistics and AI in logistics.
Transparency on suitable funding instruments helps to find suitable funding to advance innovations projects.
The aim of transform.by is to support the transformation process in the Bavarian automotive industry.
In this working group, the exchange of knowledge, technology, contacts and ideas in the field of AI in energy and mobility should be supported and advanced.
With the official kick-off meeting of the consortium in mid-February 2022, the REMOBILISE project has been launched.
The event focused on cluster initiatives that enable the concrete implementation of green and digital transformation in European value chains and strengthen their resistance.
The cross-cluster collaboration of the four Regensburg cluster Mobility & Logistics, BioPark Regensburg GmbH, IT-Sicherheitscluster e.V. and Strategische Partnerschaft Sensorik e.V., which was accelerated as part of the project, enabled another important step to be taken towards establishing a leading AI ecosystem.
The ongoing transformation of the automotive and supplier industry particularly affects the automotive region of Regensburg: The phasing out of old combustion engine technologies poses major challenges, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises.
The new bus line 39 connects the north of the city via Burgweinting station with the east of the city as far as Neutraubling and is operated purely electrically with green energy.
Since 2017, exclusively EMIL electric buses have served Regensburg’s old town. In addition to sustainable and quiet passenger transport, they offer local companies and universities a research and development platform.
As part of a two-year pilot project, das Stadtwerk.Mobilität sent two autonomous vehicles on a route in the Regensburg industrial park to explore automated passenger transportation in practice.
The aim of the project is to develop and evaluate generic methods for increasing manufacturing quality within complex process chains.
Reliable and cost-optimized intralogistics are absolute requirements in order to be able to offer services and products to hospitals in a competitive way. SEP Logistik and H.G.L offered a package that includes hardware and software for the client.
As part of the close cooperation between the Digital Startup Initiative Oberpfalz and the Cluster Mobility & Logistics, the cluster member PickWerk GmbH participated in the DGO's BaseCamp in 2021.
In 2021 the Cluster Mobility & Logistics was part of the IAA Mobility for the first time with a joint cluster stand.
An R&D-ZIM innovation network has been established by the Cluster Mobility & Logistics: The network HY2.ZERO – Mobility needs hydrogen.
The project RECIPROCITY: It was the first time that a Horizon 2020 project was initialized and set up with the cluster as a leadpartner.
The companies » AVL Software and Functions GmbH and » Prettl Elektrik Automotive GmbH developed together an unltr-fast charging system for electric vehicles at Regensburg site. It is modular in design, incorporates established standards and charging powers and can charge up to 500kW.
The » Connect-Transport-Scanner is a product based on a successful collaboration between cluster members » H.G.L.® GmbH and » Logics Software.
„First on the Last Mile“ was the claim. Customers rely on Connect-Transport to efficiently digitize their individual workflows.
Artificial intelligence is one of the most important future technologies and an essential building block for ensuring the competitiveness and innovative strength of German companies in the future. To enable small and medium-sized enterprises to better benefit from the advantages of AI-based solutions, the cross-cluster project » goAir Artificial Intelligence Regensburg is creating a cross-cluster and cross-domain service portfolio for artifi-cial intelligence.
The R&D project » NiEMob Grid-Serving Integral Electromobility - energy management system for decentralized energy supply systems, is conducted as part of the ZIM network » IntelliZell.
The focus of the cluster management is the development of concepts for intelligent energy distri-bution that lead to a reduction in the load on the grid at cell level.
The project » EmDeNetz energy management system for the regulation of decentralized energy networks was funded as part of the ZIM network » IntelliZell.
In the project plan, a system with decentralized operating regulation is developed for energy pro-ducers and consumers.
In November 2019, the » SeDiPeT Secure Digital Performance Twin network came up with the idea of developing a new type of system to reduce machine downtimes in production through condition monitoring.
In several meetings initiated by the Cluster Mobility & Logistics (former IT Logistics Cluster), the topic focus was further defined and a consortium was formed out of two companies, Schindler & Schill GmbH and SYSTEMA GmbH, as well as two research institutions, TH Deggendorf and TU Munich.
The R&D project » SISSeCSecure Industrial Semantic Sensor started in 2018 Cloud and will run until September 2022. The project started when six partners from the then ZIM network (Central Inno-vation Program for SMEs) » SISEN Secure Industrial Systems Enabling Network joined forces to develop a central cloud environment for manufacturing SMEs. This should enable data from industrial sensors to be securely recorded, processed and profitably exploited.