Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Recipe4Mobility Cluster mission in France


Safe and sustainable mobility

From September 20th to 22nd, the consortium partner NextMove welcomed in Ile-de-France and Normandy, an international delegation with participants from Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Hungary in the framework of the European project RECiPE4Mobility. The objective was to present innovative members of NextMove network (from start-ups and SMEs, research centers and universities or large groups) and thus introduce the local ecosystem around urban mobility.

During the three days the participants could benefit from visits of NextMove network members’ sites, interesting presentations, but also networking moments, aiming at allowing the different participants to have informal moments of exchange, with the purpose of identifying potential international cooperation paths.

On the first day, we had the pleasure to visit the campus of the University Gustave Eiffel based in Champs-Sur-Marne, where we had an overview of the activities related to mobility: the local ecosystem, context and objectives of the ongoing researches and projects, the main challenges and solutions, as well as a panorama of actions, projects and collaborations at both national and international levels.

In the afternoon, the participants moved to the center of Paris to meet the representatives of Nextérité, a company combining semantic analysis and artificial intelligence for urban mobility. This start-up shared with us its history, DNA and product strategy, as well as its internationalization strategy towards new markets.

The same evening an informal networking was proposed to the participants of the mission, as well as to members of the NextMove team and network.

The second day we were welcomed by the team of CESI Rouen (Campus of Higher Education and Vocational Training) where the participants could discover the current activities, in particular at the international level, as well as the demonstrator Industry of the Future of the Laboratory of Research and Innovation LINEACT.
In the afternoon, the group moved to the Roeun Normandy Autonomous Lab accompanied by a representative of Transdev where we could discover the current missions and stakes of the company, followed by a visit of the RNAL Workshop where the participants could see an autonomous ZOE and an i-Cristal shuttle.

We concluded the third and last day with a visit of the PSA Renault Lab where the participants could discover the various subjects concerning both the accidentology, biomechanics and human behavior studies departments. The mission then concluded at the VEDECOM Institute where the team guided us to discover the various departments on the subjects of Electrification, Autonomous and Connected Vehicles and New Mobility Solutions and Shared Energies.

We would like to thank again all the participants, including inola GmbHEvolution Synergetique GmbHUbiwhereMotochOrca Aerospace and Cluster de Movilidad y Logistica, as well as the members of the NextMove network who warmly welcomed us in their structures and shared with us very interesting and enriching presentations.
