Transform-R Rückblick (Transform-R) Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

transform-DiaLog in the Bavarian sensor network


Attractive for international professionals: easily accessible, relaxed and laid-back

The international potential for skilled workers is high. But how can experts from abroad be motivated to live and work in our region? Findings from a recent survey of "new Regensburgers" and empirical values from employers awaited the participants of the transform-DiaLog in the Bavarian sensor network last Wednesday. Alexander Krauss, Dr. Alice Buzdugan (ISOB GmbH) and Dr. Michael Meyer (HAPEKO GmbH) provided impetus for the development of a joint roadmap to increase the attractiveness of the location.  

All participants agreed that stakeholders in the region must work together to market their region as an attractive place to work and live for skilled workers - both at home and abroad. But why do highly qualified migrants from the Danube region choose the medium-sized city of Regensburg as a place to live and work instead of emigrating to capital cities such as Berlin or Munich? Which strengths currently need to be further strengthened and made more visible? ISOB GmbH (Regensburg) examined this question on behalf of the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS) in a study as part of the INTERREG DTP project "Talent Magnet".

"The calm, relaxed and laid-back atmosphere of the city and the welcoming culture, which facilitates the integration of immigrants, are what set Regensburg apart from larger cities from the perspective of those surveyed," said ISOB Managing Director Alexander Krauss and his colleague Dr. Alice Buzdugan. Regensburg also scored points for its "accessibility", i.e. its good geographical location and connections to the Czech Republic, Croatia and other countries in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. The opportunities to form networks with people from the home region should not be neglected.

Dr. Michael Meyer (HAPEKO GmbH) provided insights into the world of employers - based not only on his many years of experience in working with companies on recruiting processes, but also on his own: a good ten years ago, he returned to his home country on the initiative of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs after spending several years abroad in the USA. Meyer confirmed what the ISOB representatives had already mentioned: "There is often still the opinion that skilled workers are queuing up to work in Germany." However, other countries are sometimes more attractive for internationally mobile workers. "We can still recruit good staff," said Meyer. A realistic assessment helps to determine whether and how a candidate can be integrated in the target country, and it is important to be a reliable partner for the international candidate. Respectful treatment of the future specialists and the resources they need to mobilize in order to fill the position is also crucial for him.

The impulses were followed by a work unit in which a change of perspective was on the agenda. The participants' task was to put themselves in the shoes of an international specialist. "What do I need here, what is central for me in my personal life cycle, how do I imagine my 'living environment Regensburg'?". The sensor network is now detailing the results in focused transformation workshops with companies and regional stakeholders. Offers specifically for international specialists are also being considered. "Instead of just discussing this group, we want to develop new offers together," explains Stefanie Fuchs, Managing Director of the Sensor Network.

The transform-DiaLog practice meeting is part of the BMWK-funded "transform.r" project. In the practical meetings, the sensor technology network focuses on the development of new strategies for securing skilled workers, highlights new possibilities for work process-integrated further training and motivation for lifelong learning as well as internationally visible employer branding strategies in good practices and findings from science and research. The sensor network complements this offer with individual support for companies undergoing change. The transform-DiaLog on March 8 marked the start of these practical meetings. Ms. Stefanie Fuchs ( is available to answer questions about the results of the workshop unit. On May 16, 2023, the transform-DiaLog will focus on "Intercultural Leadership".

Strategische Partnerschaft Sensorik e. V.
Clustermanagement Sensorik

Stefanie Fuchs
Franz-Mayer-Straße 1
93053 Regensburg
