Transform-R Rückblick (Transform-R) Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Matchmaking with Japanese companies


Saitama region

On 06.03.2024, an international matchmaking event took place, which was organized by the Mobility & Logistics Cluster. Bavarian companies had the opportunity to network with Japanese companies from Saitama. The city of Saitama is Japan's youngest city with over a million inhabitants and is part of the Tokyo metropolitan region. Numerous companies there are active in the automotive industry and are therefore also affected by the transformation.

At the beginning of the event, Mr. Toni Lautenschläger, Head of the Office for Economy and Science, City of Regensburg, gave an insight into Regensburg as a production location. The Cluster Mobility & Logistics then presented the two projects transform.r and DInO. This was followed by pitches from the German and Japanese companies, in which the respective products and challenges in the transformation were presented. The subsequent lunch at the Speicherbar in the TechBase Regensburg provided an opportunity for a relaxed exchange of ideas.

The following companies were involved in the exchange:

The participants benefited from a valuable international exchange of experiences and were also able to make exciting contacts. Many thanks to all participants.


The event was part of the German government's transformation networks. The Regensburg-based project transform.r supports companies in coping with structural change in the automotive industry.

It is also part of the Digital Innovation Ostbayern (DInO) project, which is one of three European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) in Bavaria. The project focuses on the digital transformation of SMEs and public administrations. As part of DInO, the Mobility & Logistics cluster provides support for the "Innovation Ecosystem & Networking" and "Support to Find Financing and Investment" services.
