AIR Regensburg Rückblick (AIR) Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Opportunities for artificial intelligence in scheduling


Logistik Monday of the Cluster Mobility & Logistics

The Cluster Mobility & Logistics hosted Logistics Monday on July 1 as part of the Digital Logistics Working Group (DigitLog).

Our two speakers, Dr Leopold Kuttner from Clover Optimization GmbH and Monja Mühling from Smartlane GmbH, demystified the concept of artificial intelligence in their presentations.

The aim of the first presentation was to help decision-makers in logistics companies to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of various AI tools in order to better assess their suitability for different tasks in the company.
The second presentation then took a closer look at the current challenges facing the transport industry and showed how AI can help with complex scheduling planning. Practical examples from dispatching showed how data quality can be improved with the help of AI and what opportunities artificial intelligence offers in dispatching.



