Transform-R Rückblick (Transform-R) Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Ideation workshop "Digital test field"


Further real-world laboratory planned for the "Galgenbergstraße" mobility use case

On May 8, 2023, the Cluster Mobility & Logistics together with the R_NEXT Smart City project of the City of Regensburg hosted the Ideation Workshop Digital Test Field Urban Mobility.

Our cities are changing because the digitalization of urban space is progressing at a rapid pace. Smart, intelligent, digital: numerous examples such as LED-lit crosswalks in Helsinki or an urban drone airport in Coventry show the direction for future urban development. And what about Regensburg?

With the Emil electric bus and the Emilia autonomous people mover, two successful and highly innovative real-world laboratories have already been initiated in the past together with companies and research institutions.

We want to continue to fully exploit the strengths and potential of our region in the future. That is why we collected ideas for a "digital test field urban space for the Galgenbergstrasse mobility use case" as part of the ideation workshop.

First, Franziska Meier, Smart City Coordinator and Head of R_NEXT, presented the Regensburg Smart City project R_NEXT to the participants. Nicole Hinterberger, Project Manager Mobility & Mobile Communications at IFG Ingolstadt AöR, then offered exciting insights into the Ingolstadt digital test field. With this input, we started the workshop phase. We had already received inspiring ideas in advance, which we discussed and developed further in the workshop. In the World Café format, further project ideas and proposals were also developed relating to the creation of framework conditions for real-world laboratories, the development of an R&D space on Galgenberg, increasing safety for all road users, strengthening public transport and cycling and walking. All the results of the workshop will now be followed up in a structured manner so that further details can be clarified and implementation planned in follow-up sessions.

The workshop took place as part of the BMWK-funded "transform.r" project.
