Cluster Mobility & Logistics Pressemitteilung (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

The Block.IS project is finished!


EU-funded project Block Innovation Spaces

After 2.5 years, the Block.IS project is coming to an end! With 9 cluster missions, 6 blockchain enablers, 2 open calls, 6 innovation challenges and the direct involvement of more than 280 innovative SMEs from 30 European countries, this Horizon 2020 project has provided €2.8 million in funding for SMEs, startups and clusters to catalyze innovation in the blockchain space!

Block.IS aimed to provide competitive and market-oriented European SMEs with access to knowledge, technology, capital and markets to bring new products/services to the market that are focused on blockchain technology, especially in the agri-food, logistics and financial sectors.

The project had three main dimensions: CONNECT & STIMULATE, CATALYZE and BOOST. BOOST consisted of an ambitious 3-phase acceleration program aimed at supporting the market uptake and impact of the proposed innovations/solutions. This structured, holistic approach enabled the best and most promising concepts to accelerate, achieve growth and market adoption, while all SMEs received support and guidance to improve their entrepreneurial capabilities and potential!

With the aim of providing additional support in times of the COVID-19 pandemic, an additional third call was organized alongside the two open calls, targeting innovators who had not reached the final stage of acceleration in either the first or second open call. To bring the innovators together with the blockchain ecosystem players and highlight the untapped potential of blockchain technology, Block.IS organized cluster missions and innovation challenges. The cluster missions aimed to bring clusters and blockchain SMEs together to inspire them to learn more about the Block.IS ecosystem and better understand how they can benefit from EU funding, business and technical support. The innovation challenges, on the other hand, aimed to engage a broader range of stakeholders and demonstrate that Block.IS successes are not only possible in the three initial verticals (agri-food, logistics, finance), but also in other sectors that could benefit from blockchain technology, such as tourism and sustainable fashion.

What's next?

Even though Block.IS is finished, be sure to stay tuned if we have sparked your interest in similar projects! Visit our website to find out more about the activities and funding conditions, get to know the consortium partners and follow them on social media, as the new initiatives fall within the Horizon Europe framework!

Further information on the active EU calls for proposals can be found here and on the Startup Europe Club website.



R-Tech GmbH
Anne Häner
Projekt manager Cluster Mobility & Logistics
Tel.: 0941/604 889-62


R-Tech GmbH
Roxane Wagner
Project manager Cluster Mobility & Logistics
Tel.: 0941/604 889-59
