AIR Regensburg Rückblick (AIR) TechBase Rückblick (TechBase) Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics) DGO Rückblick (DGO)

DInO has been successfully launched!


Successful kick-off event for the Digital Innovation Ostbayern (DInO) project

Photo: StMWi

Photo: StMWi

Photo: StMWi

What is "DInO"? The Digital Innovation Ostbayern (DInO) project is one of three European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) in Bavaria. The project focuses on the digital transformation of SMEs and public administrations. As part of DInO, the Cluster Mobility & Logistics provides support for the "Innovation Ecosystem & Networking" and "Support to Find Financing and Investment" services.

The DInO journey began in June 2023 with the aim of shaping the region's digital future. For a strong business location in Eastern Bavaria.
DInO supports public institutions and SMEs in digitalization, the development of innovative ideas and the automation of business processes and products.
At the kick-off event on November 6,2023, all project partners presented the consulting and training services as well as the available laboratories and technologies to around 100 guests at the TechBase in Regensburg.

Wolfgang Dorner and Jane Wuth from Deggendorf Institute of Technology led through the varied program, which included a keynote speech, a panel discussion and DInO pitches as well as a marketplace with numerous exhibitors. The fact that the project is extremely important was also demonstrated by the presence of Hubert Aiwanger, Minister of Economic Affairs, who addressed the participants in a welcoming speech.
Reducing bureaucracy through digitalization - Matthias Schmid, authorized signatory of YORMA's AG, showed that this is possible in his keynote speech.

Afterwards, there was plenty of opportunity to explore and network with numerous exhibitors and their technical services over a small snack at the DInO marketplace. 
