Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

RECIPROCITY Webinar: MobiDataLab


Methodologies and Data-based Technology Solutions for Improved Urban Mobility

On November 22, MobiDataLab organised a webinar that aimed to bring together mobility stakeholders (transport authorities, mobility-oriented networks, and both data providers and data consumers) to get familiar with innovative solutions to concrete problems using open data as a tool, as well as to accelerate the replication of existing innovative mobility solutions.

It’s being concluded that mobility data sharing is not fully satisfactory nowadays, meaning that the quality and availability of data are not sufficient to support the change towards a new mobility paradigm. On the other hand, despite the success of early pilot projects, there is still a gap in terms of transferring innovative solutions to different contexts, cities and regions.

Four innovative projects present methodologies and tools that tackle those barriers, foster the development of a data-sharing culture in Europe, and effective ways to implement their respective smart city strategies and community initiatives.

Thierry-Xavier Chevallier of AKKODIS presented MobiDataLab, and the ways project fosters data sharing in the transport sector, providing mobility organising authorities with recommendations on how to improve the value of their data, contributing to the development of open tools in the cloud, and organising hackathons aiming to find innovative solutions to concrete mobility problems.

Subsequently, Ismini Stroumpou of Sparsity Technologies presented SYN+AIR technology solution. The SYN+AIR project aims to set and develop a blueprint to establish collaboration among Transport Service Providers (TSPs), and to develop the idea of seamless door-to-door (D2D) user journey. The main objective of SYN+AIR is to generate common goals for TSPs that will justify the need for data sharing, hence providing a more convenient travelling experience for users.

Luca Pappalardo, Scientific Researcher at ISTI-CNR, put the SoBigData++ technology solution in the spotlight. SoBigData++ strives to deliver a distributed, Pan-European, multi-disciplinary research infrastructure for big social data analytics, coupled with the consolidation of a cross-disciplinary European research community, aimed at using social mining and big data to understand the complexity of our contemporary, globally-interconnected society.

Closing the session, Marcell Romsics of ZONE Cluster presented values, methodologies and offering of the RECIPROCITY Project. RECIPROCITY aims at transforming European cities into climate-resilient and connected, multimodal nodes for smart and clean mobility through an innovative four-stage replication approach.


Presentations, as well as the Webinar Recording 
