Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Mobility & Logistics Cluster at the Bavarian Europe Day


Introducing the cluster's international projects

Europe is a noble idea - the promise of freedom and peace, democracy and human dignity. Regensburg wanted to make these values visible and, in view of the upcoming European elections, sent a clear signal with the Bavarian Europe Day on Saturday, 13 April 2024 in Regensburg city centre - organized by the Bavarian state government together with the city of Regensburg.

In the heart of the old town, pro-European organizations, associations and initiatives from Bavaria and the region presented their work and invited citizens to discover Europe and its possibilities and to get into conversation with each other. 

The Mobility & Logistics Cluster was also represented with a stand at the Kohlenmarkt! As a special "treat", you could, for example, book a city tour with the motto "Regensburg's economic history: always international! Economic relations in the Middle Ages".
