Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Kick-off event Technology Transfer Center Wörth-Wiesent


Hydrogen research in the district of Regensburg

On May 9, 2023, the Mobility & Logistics cluster took part in the presentation of the Wörth-Wiesent Technology Transfer Center.

The Zweckverband Gewerbegebiet Wörth-Wiesent and the Deggendorf Institute of Technology jointly hosted the official launch event with a speech by the Minister of State for Science and the Arts, Markus Blume.

Technology transfer centers (TTZ) of the Bavarian universities of applied sciences and technical universities are science-based innovation drivers for the regional economy. As part of the Hightech Agenda Bayern, 15 new TTZs are being established in Bavaria, the TTZ Wörth-Wiesent is the first in the district of Regensburg.

The TTZ is characterized by the cooperation between the municipalities of Wörth a.d. Donau and Wiesent as well as the OTH Regensburg and the TH Deggendorf. Professor Dr.-Ing. Otto Kreutzer presented the concept of the TTZ Wörth-Wiesent Hydrogen Cluster Danube. Research topics are hydrogen production, use and storage and the fully renewable supply of heavy goods vehicles. The three different renewable drive types, battery-electric, hydrogen-based and overhead lines, are being considered. The two universities have coordinated their research priorities thematically: the use and production of hydrogen in Wörth-Wiesent and combustion at the Kehlheim hydrogen campus.

We look forward to exciting research and further cooperation within our HY2.ZERO network.
