Transform-R Rückblick (Transform-R) Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Regensburg Innovation Congress


New name, new cooperation, great success!

The 13th edition of the Innovation Congress has been updated!

New name, new cooperation: The Bavarian Innovation Congress became the "Regensburg Innovation Congress" for the first time and also took place for the first time in cooperation with the Regensburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce for Upper Palatinate / Kelheim. 
The transformation network transform.r, the Regensburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce for Upper Palatinate / Kelheim and the Mobility & Logistics Cluster invited participants to the TechBase in Regensburg on 10 July 2024. 
This year's theme was "Shaping transformation". Because what do companies need to be capable of transformation? What social framework conditions are needed to bring about a change in mindset? What path are companies already taking and what lessons can be learnt?
At the beginning of the congress, the Managing Director of R-Tech GmbH, Alexander Rupprecht, and the Managing Director of the Regensburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Dr Jürgen Helmes, jointly welcomed the 200 participants. In a short interview on stage, the two revealed what is behind the cooperation and the new name and what makes Regensburg an innovative city, but also what hurdles need to be overcome. 
The interview and the congress were moderated by Natalie Schwab from the Mobility & Logistics Cluster.

Following the welcome address, Lena Lührmann from Visionsalive gave a keynote speech in which she demonstrated the opportunities offered by "human potential" and how this untapped potential can contribute to the successful transformation of companies.
Her exciting thought-provoking ideas were then discussed in the trade exhibition. 11 specialist exhibitors presented their companies in the TechBase foyer before moving on to the three parallel forums. 

Moderation: Melanie Terne, Project Manager, transform.r

  • Green Horizons: Shaping Sustainable Transformation for Tomorrow
    Jörg Recklies, Site Manager Regensburg Plant, Infineon Technologies AG
  • What opportunities does a transformation of the energy transition offer and what mindset is needed to help shape the path to this?
    Klaus Nagl, Managing Director, Consolinno Energy GmbH

Moderation: Julia Dick, Project Manager, transform.r

  • From „your wildest idea“ to new markets – Innovations@AVL
    Achim Przymusinski, Segmentleiter Digitalization, AVL Software and Functions GmbH
  • Transformation problems of digitalisation - solution approaches
    Dr Tjorben Bogon, CEO, risecon GmbH

Moderator: Michael Vogel, IHK Regensburg for Upper Palatinate / Kelheim

  • Inspiration for innovation
    Marco Friedrich, Managing Director LI-EX GmbH and Innovation Coach
  • Agile value creation - "New Work" in medium-sized manufacturing companies
    Benno Löffler, Managing Director, Vollmer & Scheffczyk GmbH


Final round - plenary session

  • What´s next? Symbiosis of AI and humans in practice
    Prof Dr Thomas Falter, OTH Regensburg 
  • Wrap-up: key facts from the forums


In the run-up to the congress, participants had the opportunity to make appointments for 15-minute matchmaking sessions, which were actively utilised.



H.G.L.® GmbH 
IHK Regensburg für Oberpfalz / Kelheim
Innok Robotics GmbH
Laboratory for Safe and Secure Systems LaS³(OTH Regensburg)
LEYTON Deutschland GmbH
Prisma solutions Deutschland GmbH
S&K Solutions GmbH
Sustainable Now GmbH
Transformationsnetzwerk transform.r
Urban Mobility Innovations
Primat der Wertschöpfung
