Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

International Transfer and Networking Event in Regensburg


Future Mobility

Project coordinator, Anne Häner, Cluster Mobility & Logistics, presented the RECIPROCITY project during the “Future Mobility” event to an international audience of representatives of cities, regions and politics, science, industry, start-ups, students and university employees on December 14.

During the event, the RECIPROCITY approach was further explained: How is the project supporting the replication of mobility solutions? – with its four-stage replication framework.

Furthermore, participants could learn more about different urban mobility approaches in Regensburg and future developments in vehicle technology:

  • Smart mobility concepts – regional & international | Gary Harris, B.Eng./B.A. / Conception – traffic engineering, Michael Hauck, Advertising specialist BAW / Business Development PB Consult GmbH
  • Modern cable railways in urban areas | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Briem, Dean of Faculty Mechanical Engineering, OTH Regensburg
  • Donau Donkeys – Cargobikesharing and Urban Transportation | Christian Wenzl, M.Sc, Feine Räder GmbH
  • Sustainable mobility (focus on energy) | Prof. Dr. Michael Sterner, Professor for Energy Storage and Energy Systems, OTH Regensburg
  • Liquified Hydrogen on Road Transport | Heinz Mitterbacher, Project Manager LH2-Trailer, LINDE GmbH, Linde Engineering
  • Autonomous people mover – Emilia in Regensburg | Christian Barth, Stadtwerk Regensburg.Mobilität GmbH
  • UME - Urban Delivery Vehicle | Marko Konta, Business Development, IDEENION
  • Start-up Pitches:

 You want to learn more about RECIPROCITY or the presented topics? Get in touch with Anne Häner

About the event organisers

Within the framework of the EIT HEI Initiative for Entrepreneurial and Innovative Capacity Building, the INTREPID-HEI project is funded by the European Union and supported by EIT Urban Mobility. The project partners and especially the project leader and organiser OTH Regensburg invited all interested parties to the international transfer and networking event Future Mobility. This took place on site and, for those interested from more distant regions, simultaneously online. Future Mobility as an important guiding theme corresponds to the basis of the project consortium, which has the ambition to establish a European university with the vision of becoming the European Alliance on Sustainable Mobility (ERASMob).
