Transform-R Rückblick (Transform-R) Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Regensburg Hydrogen Round Table


Networking and knowledge exchange

[Translate to Englisch:] v.l.n.r.: Katja Eichinger (Cluster Mobility & Logistics), Jonas Ott (Wiss. Mitarbeiter TC Wörth Wiesent), Elisabeth Kerscher (1. Bürgermeisterin der Gemeinde Wiesent, stellvertretende Vorsitzende des Zweckverbandes Wörth-Wiesent), Lilli Wolff (Green Tech Cluster), Christian Kaiser (Operative Leitung TC Wörth Wiesent)

The Regensburg Hydrogen Round Table of Green Tech Cluster, founded by the Regensburg Energy Agency and the Cluster Mobility & Logistics, aims to make current and planned hydrogen projects in the Regensburg area visible and promote networking and knowledge exchange in the region.

The kick-off event took place on September 19, 2023 in the TechBase in Regensburg.

In order to gain an overview of the "funding jungle", current H2 funding was first presented, including the newly published Bavarian Electrolyser Funding Program (BayFELI).

The hydrogen atlas, including the planned stakeholder layer function, was then presented. The OTH Regensburg hydrogen atlas offers the opportunity to assess the potential, consumption, costs and emission reductions of various hydrogen applications at regional level throughout Germany. This provides a comprehensive and freely accessible tool that facilitates the entry into concrete technical planning. Now a new function is to be created that also offers the possibility of mapping regional research projects.

Jonas Ott, research assistant at the Technology Campus Wörth-Wiesent, then pitched the planned "Direkt-H2" project. The opportunity for a spontaneous pitch was also used

The well-attended kick-off event was rounded off with plenty of opportunities for networking and matchmaking. The participants filled a "bulletin board" for better networking as well as another pinboard with their wishes for the Regensburg Hydrogen Round Table.

The event was part of the German government's transformation networks. The Regensburg project transform.r supports companies in coping with structural change in the automotive industry.
