Transform-R Rückblick (Transform-R) Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Digital consignment note - data standards and regulation


Logistik Monday

On 23 January, the Cluster Mobility & Logistics hosted a Logistics Monday event on the topic of "digital consignment notes - data standards and regulation as a precursor to digitalization".

Current European regulations on digital freight documents (e.g. eCMR, eFTI) with their national introductions can pose challenges for players in the transport sector due to process adjustments and technical implementation.
In a keynote speech, Dr. Lisa Löbling and Dr. Thorsten Sickenberger from d-fine GmbH gave an overview of various legal and standardization initiatives and the possibilities for sustainable integration into processes and systems. Developments in digital freight documents and standardization initiatives in sea and air freight (e.g. electronic Bill of Lading, DCSA standards, CargoXML and ONE Record), which can also be used and adapted in transport logistics, were presented as well as an outlook on further developments of common standards such as EDI and their added value.

After the presentation, the small group used the time for questions, discussion and networking.
