The project partners involved: (from left) Philipp Berr, City of Regensburg, Wolfgang Sczygiol, Managing Director SDP GmbH, Manuel Weber-Grill, E/E Project Manager and Innovation Manager SDP GmbH, Franziska Meier, Smart City Coordinator of the City of Regensburg, Alexander Rupprecht, Managing Director TechBase Regensburg GmbH, Uwe Pfeil, TechBase Regensburg GmbH, Manager of the Mobility & Logistics Cluster. Photo: Vincent Wodowski, TechBase Regensburg GmbH.
Smart Dynamic Public Lighting, or SDP for short, is the name of the project for intelligent urban lighting that officially began testing in the Dörnberg district today. The concept is based on AI-controlled dynamic light distribution that adapts specifically to actual demand and only provides light where it is needed. The focus is on energy efficiency, environmental friendliness and safety in public spaces. SDP is another application project in the R_Lab Mobility real-world laboratory in Regensburg as part of the urban smart city project R_NEXT.
The AI-controlled lamps use optical sensors to detect and classify pedestrians and cyclists in real time in order to illuminate the required section of path in a targeted manner. As soon as there are no people on the sidewalk, the lamps only shine at a minimalist intensity in order to keep energy consumption low. Issues such as sustainability and environmental protection also play a role, explains Wolfgang Sczygiol, Managing Director of electrical systems supplier SDP GmbH, which is providing the innovative technology: “Normally, lamps are lit at full strength all night long. These lamps only light up when people are detected. The lighting is dimmed up if necessary and then slowly dimmed again as soon as the person is further away. This also allows us to be considerate of residents and nocturnal insects, which are disturbed in their natural behavior by artificial light.”
The SDP project is initially running in test mode with 20 smart parking lights in the Dörnberg district along “Radlroute 5”. The project will be continuously evaluated during the one-year test phase. Feedback from residents helps with the further development of the smart lighting, among other things. After successful completion, the extent to which an expansion of the smart park lighting to other areas of the city is conceivable and which development steps are still necessary for this will be evaluated, says Anne Häner, project manager at TechBase Regensburg GmbH in the Mobility & Logistics cluster based there. “In future developments, additional safety functions such as information displays, alarm buttons or adjustments to the design can then also be addressed.” The technical implementation of the project is being handled by sdp GmbH, while the Mobility & Logistics cluster based at TechBase Regensburg is responsible for project coordination. Other cooperation partners are the City of Regensburg's Parks Department and Civil Engineering Department. The Smart Dynamic Public Lighting project is a use case in the R_Lab Mobility.
Background R_Lab Mobility
Regensburg is part of Germany's largest smart city funding program “Model Projects Smart Cities”. This makes the city one of a total of 73 “experimental locations” for integrated urban development funded by the German government. With the real-world laboratory, a test space for smart mobility applications was created in 2024 in order to develop and test solutions for the challenges in the field of mobility. The city of Regensburg has commissioned TechBase Regensburg GmbH to manage the R_Lab Mobility. The aim is to test smart city applications under real-life conditions with the participating stakeholders from administration, municipal subsidiaries, science and industry and to bring innovative mobility solutions from theory into practice in the so-called real-world laboratory. All data collected in R_Lab Mobility is stored centrally and made available to project participants for research and development purposes. To this end, Stadtwerk.Regensburg is in charge of developing an initial prototype of a data hub for mobility data.
Press contact:
TechBase Regensburg GmbH
Tanja Braun
Phone: +49 941 604 889 13
Contact sdp GmbH:
Manuel Weber-Grill
Phone: +49 151 195 41 448