Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Kick-off ERDF project Direct H2


At the TC Wörth-Wiesent

The kick-off meeting for the ERDF project Direkt H2 took place on 18.04.24. The project partners involved met in person for the first time and discussed the project in detail. After a brief introduction to the project by Jonas Ott, the scientist responsible at TC Wörth-Wiesent, all those present briefly presented their companies and, above all, their expectations of the project.

The focus of the Direkt-H2 project is on the direct use of the DC voltage generated by a photovoltaic system on site for water electrolysis. A complete system for local hydrogen production is being developed and its economic viability in various applications is being analyzed and presented. The development of an application-adapted energy management system will optimize the utilization of the subsystems and reduce investment costs.

The specific objectives of the project are

  • Development of a complete system for local hydrogen production and stationary energy storage using hydrogen
  • Direct use of the DC voltage generated by photovoltaic systems for water electrolysis
  • Optimization of energy efficiency compared to the usual market coupling via alternating voltage and thus cost reduction

The project "Direkt H2: Local hydrogen production through highly efficient direct current coupling" is co-financed by the European Union. ERDF projects primarily support the transfer of technology from universities to SMEs.

The next project meeting of all cooperation partners is planned for fall 2024.
