Transform-R Rückblick (Transform-R) Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Successful start to the Transforming Transport webinar series


The role of modern drive technologies in logistics

The Cluster Mobility & Logistics launched a new, multi-part webinar series on February 24, 2025: Transforming Transport.
In the first part of our webinar series, Sascha Hähnke gave an exciting insight into the practice and showed what role modern drive technologies play in logistics.

Sascha Hähnke, managing director of REMONDIS Sustainable Services GmbH, is an experienced logistics expert and has known the mobility sector inside out for decades. He is passionate about implementing alternative concepts and new ways of thinking, while at the same time vehemently insisting on clarity and opposing ideology-driven debates.

In his presentation, he compared battery-powered drives, hydrogen and HVO and shared his experience with all drive technologies with around 40 participants.

The presentation was followed by a discussion on what needs to change in the future in order to take a big step forward. 

In the 2nd part of the webinar series “Transforming Transport” we will dive into the study “Battery-electric trucks on the rise” together with Strategy&, the global strategy consultancy of PwC.
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The event was part of the German government's transformation networks. The Regensburg-based project transform.r supports companies in coping with structural change in the automotive industry.
