Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Automation and digitalization of logistics and production


Cluster on site at Continental Automotive GmbH

Continental Automotive GmbH

Continental Automotive GmbH

Continental Automotive GmbH

Continental Automotive GmbH

Continental Automotive GmbH

Continental Automotive GmbH

On June 12, the member companies of the Mobility & Logistics Cluster had a wonderful opportunity to take a look behind the scenes at Continental Automotive GmbH in Regensburg as part of the Cluster on Site event.

What about automation at the plantand in the logistics center? Answers to these questions were provided by the two guided tours, one of which focused on production: Introduction SMT production (PCB assembly), automatic material replenishment control, automatic material supply, aAGV planning and fleet management as well as zero operator backend line. As well as the logistics center. We visited the automated high-bay warehouse, the automated small parts warehouse and the general automation in the logistics center. Many questions and honest insights enriched the event.

The subsequent lunch allowed the participants to network and exchange ideas.

Many thanks for this great opportunity to take a closer look at the Regensburg site!
