Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

How do I lead hybrid?


Ideas and solutions at the New Work Seminar

Our successful New Work seminar series entered its second round on June 25, 2024 with the topic of "Hybrid Leadership".

The first part of the seminar began with a short theoretical keynote speech to draw attention to the differences between agile leadership, leadership 4.0, servant leadership and hybrid leadership as well as the special features of leadership in a hybrid context. The subsequent mini-workshop then focused on shaping one's own leadership personality in a hybrid context.

The two speakers, Anissa Teufelberger and Angela Bösche from ONE Business & Technology GmbH, always gave an insight into their working practice. This resulted in a great mix of theoretical input, insights into everyday working life and an active part for all participants.

Many thanks to both speakers for this entertaining and informative seminar!
