Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Cooperation between the Cluster Mobility & Logistics and OKAN University


OPINA workshop on the topic of "Autonomous vehicles and services"

The hybrid OPINA workshop on "Autonomous Vehicles and Services" took place on November 22, 2023 at Istanbul Okan University's Tuzla Campus. The workshop offered a bilingual experience with live translation between English and Turkish. The program included presentations by industry experts and a detailed presentation of the OPINA project. In the afternoon, there was a live demonstration of HIL/DIL as well as presentations from leading companies and insights into the master's program for autonomous vehicles. The aim of the workshop was to bring together experts, enthusiasts and innovators from the autonomous vehicle industry to share knowledge, experience hands-on demonstrations and provide valuable networking opportunities. The aim of the OPINA project is to create a science, technology and innovation ecosystem in the context of autonomous driving for start-ups, SMEs, universities and industry.

In his presentation, Uwe Pfeil, Cluster Manager of the Mobility & Logistics cluster, outlined proven methods for developing cluster structures that promote cooperation in innovation ecosystems.

The Cluster Mobility & Logistics and OKAN University from Istanbul work closely together, for example most recently in the EU project RECIPROCITY.
