Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

REMOBLISE Training Session #5


Fundamentals of Design Thinking for Cluster Organizations

The final session of the Remobilise Cluster Managers’ Training Series was held on Wednesday 25th January 2023 with the topic ’Fundamentals of Design Thinking for a successful cluster operation management’.
We shared the basic concepts of Design Thinking that can be used in the day-to-day operation and project management practices of cluster organisations. We talked about how to incorporate these concepts into relevant tasks at a cluster organisation, such as designing and implementing a new service, or restructuring your membership plans.

Key benefits 

  • what is the design thinking approach and how it can help clusters
  •  the key phases of design thinking (emphatize, define, ideate, prototype, test)
  • practical examples: how to use design thinking in situations relevant for clusters


The REMOBILISE project will provide training and education activities for cluster managers to help to improve the skills of clustermanagers and their teams, in order to increase the impact and the benefits for cluster members, with a focus on SMEs. The cluster  managers and staff members from all European cluster  organisations are welcome to join the trainings and will benefit from coaching sessions proposed by the experts within the clusters, as well as from mutual learning between the organisations.

Each session will be held by the REMOBILISE cluster organisation with expertise in the respective area, in form of webinars or workshops.

The REMOBILISE consortium is composed of 5 European clusters, based on a fair balance between competences, expertise and maturity levels, both at organisational and regional levels. The Cluster Mobility & Logistics, located in the TechBase Regensburg, is part of the international consortium.


The Connected and Automated Mobility Cluster of Zala was established by the cooperation of leading Hungarian info-communication, energy, automotive and air transportation companies. Our aim is to convert Hungary into a significant professional European base for “Smart Mobility” solutions regarding both forming future regulation and developing business cases. Find out more about us at
