AIR Regensburg Rückblick (AIR) Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Baiosphere AI Compass: Kick-Off


Guide to artificial intelligence for SMEs

The Bavarian AI Agency presented its new baiosphere AI Compass on May 17. As part of DINO and AIR, we attended the exciting kick-off at the House of Communication in Munich.

The AI Compass is being developed to simplify access to AI for SMEs. It is intended to provide orientation and offer practical recommendations for action. A broad range of topics is covered in the following areas: Data, Ethics, Culture & Mindset, Ecosystem, Strategy, Organization, Regulation & Law, Talent & Skills and Technical Requirements. In addition to expert knowledge and an understanding of the improved market opportunities offered by AI, experts are also provided who can help with the individual implementation of AI technologies.

The presentation of the AI Compass was framed by networking and two inspiring presentations by AI expert Tristan Post on an AI corporate strategy and AI Council member and lawyer Prof. Eric Hilgendorf, who took a closer look at AI legal aspects and the EU AI Act in particular.

You can find more information about the Baiosphere AI Compass here: KI-Kompass - baiosphere
