Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Reach Strong posts for the social media presence


Tips and tricks from the expert at the cluster's social media seminar

How do I write texts that inspire my target group? On which platforms do I reach my target group and how should my posts be designed here?

The Mobility & Logistics Cluster's three-hour social media seminar on December 5, 2023 provided answers to these and other questions. Our social media expert, Vanessa Schärl from Local Stories, gave the 15 participants the best tips and latest trends on the topic of "high-reach texts for social media".

After all, social media has become indispensable in the business world. But the ability to write target group-oriented texts and posts is crucial.

About the speaker

Vanessa Schärl is Social Media Manager at Local Stories, a young social media agency based in Regensburg. The agency supports regional companies in setting up and implementing their social media marketing. As a regional partner, Local Stories supports its clients with all social media marketing services: from strategic collaboration, workshops and ongoing consulting to a full-service agency - Local Stories gives local companies more visibility in their region.
