AIR Regensburg Rückblick (AIR) Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Future Work is hybrid!


New Work session on the topic of "Hybrid Work"

Our successful New Work event format entered the next round on February 6. 
We've all learned about the pros and cons of working remotely since Corona. Before that, we were fully familiar with the culture of working in person. But what about hybrid working after the pandemic? Is the future still hybrid? Or will we all be sitting in our offices again in the foreseeable future? We explored these questions in the webinar. Our speaker, Christine Overschmidt from ONE Business & Technology GmbH, showed in her presentation that it is time to interlink both models. However, these must be adapted to the specific needs of the company and firmly anchored in the corporate culture. The expert repeatedly gave the 16 participants the opportunity to get involved interactively during the webinar. 

>>> We are already looking forward to the next New Work Session on "Hybrid Leadership" on June 25, 2024!
