TechBase Cluster Mobility & Logistics Pressemitteilung (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Uwe Pfeil is a new member of the Cluster Excellence Expert Group


Commission decides on Gold Label award

[Translate to Englisch:] Cluster manager Uwe Pfeil is new member of the Cluster Excellence Expert Group

Uwe Pfeil, manager of the Cluster Mobility & Logistics, is a new member of the "Cluster Expert Excellence Group" (CEEG). The CEEG makes the final decision as to whether a cluster will be awarded the Gold Label of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative. The commission consists of around 30 representatives of cluster organizations from ten different countries.

The CEEG acts as an international body that ensures the neutrality and international recognition of the seals awarded. Cluster organizations awarded the Gold Label are invited to nominate a member of the CEEG. Membership is non-transferrable. "As a new CEEG member, I am very pleased to be able to make my expertise from more than ten years of cluster management available. Strong cluster initiatives make a decisive contribution to the future economic development of regions,” says Uwe Pfeil.

The Regensburg Cluster Mobility & Logistics was awarded the Gold Label of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative in 2021. The highest quality label for cluster initiatives went to Regensburg for the first time. The path to the "Cluster Management Excellence Label Gold" consists of six steps. As part of this evaluation process, the cluster initiatives have to prove their competencies using 31 special evaluation criteria. These included, among other things, the structure, governance, financing, strategy and services of the cluster as well as its appreciation among the actors and target groups. The award is valid for two years and can then be renewed after a review of selected criteria.

About the Cluster Mobility & Logistics

In the age of electric mobility and IT logistics, we find intelligent answers to upcoming social and technological challenges together with our partners and members. We support you in securing existing competitive advantages and creating new ones. Through broad networking, placement of project partners, contacts to international networks and the initiation and funding of research projects, we shape the innovative fields of mobility and logistics in a sustainable way.

The Cluster Mobility & Logistics based in TechBase Regensburg is managed by R-Tech GmbH, a subsidiary of the city of Regensburg.

Press contact:
R-Tech GmbH
Tanja Braun
Head of Corporate Communications
Tel.: 0941/604 889-13

Cluster contact:
Cluster Mobility & Logistics
Uwe Pfeil
Cluster manager
Tel.: 0941/604 889-55
