Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Review: Partnerships for Horizon Europe: smart city projects


Online Matchmaking organised with 14 European Cluster organisations

Jointly with 14 European Cluster organisations working in the sectors of mobility, energy and digital, the REMOBILISE partners & DINO have organised the online matchmaking event “Partnerships for Horizon Europe: smart city projects” on 05th & 12th December 2023 

The event was organised in order to allow cluster members interested in European calls for projects to present ideas and competences for project proposals during thematic pitch sessions, together with an offer of inspiring sessions and panels, as well as targeted 1:1 meetings for creating consortia. 

The date was accordingly to the calendar of the Call for Projects of the Horizon Europe program, so that the participants could have the occasion to present their contributions, project ideas and find potential partners, right on time to work and submit a common proposal. 

Participants were invited to join this online events to have the opportunity to meet companies, research centres, universities, cities and other entities interested in presenting proposals to the Horizon Europe 2023 calls linked to the smart city topics. Through this activity, the cluster members have had the opportunity to expand their international network and create partnerships and consortiums. 

The event consisted of presentation sessions (plenary sessions, keynotes interventions, cluster members pitching, etc), a training on the DOs and DON'T when writing a good proposal, and 2 weeks for organising online B2B meetings. 


The event was part of the Digital Innovation Ostbayern (DInO) project, which is one of three European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) in Bavaria. The project focuses on the digital transformation of SMEs and public administrations. As part of DInO, the Mobility & Logistics cluster provides support for the "Innovation Ecosystem & Networking" and "Support to Find Financing and Investment" services.
