Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Strengthening international cooperation with Serbia


Matchmaking event organized by Bayern Fit for Partnership

Strengthening international cooperation with Serbia - this is what Bavarian companies were able to do on November 7, 2023 at TechBase Regensburg. As part of Bayern International's Bayern Fit for Partnership project, a Serbian delegation was invited to get to know Bavarian companies and exchange ideas.

The guests were representatives of players in the smart city sector such as the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, a center for digital transformation, municipalities and (urban) companies. Bavarian companies for outdoor solutions and cartography, digital payment systems and cargo bike infrastructure presented themselves to them. After the event, the delegation visited the TechBase start-up center with all its special features, where company contacts were also made spontaneously.

The local partner of the delegation's visit was the Cluster Mobility & Logistics with the Digital Innovation Ostbayern (DInO) project. DInO is one of three European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) in Bavaria. The focus is on the digital transformation of SMEs and public administrations. As part of DInO, the Mobility & Logistics cluster supports international matchmaking.
