TechBase Cluster Mobility & Logistics Pressemitteilung (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Pilot phase of the ZISteM project has started


Micromobility measures in Regensburg

Test drive for visitors at Nacht.Schafft.Wissen.

The research project "ZISteM" (Zielbringende Integration Steuerung und Management von Mikromobilitätdienstleistungen) has officially entered the pilot phase as part of this year's Nacht.Schafft.Wissen. Since October 2021, measures have been developed in ZISteM that are now to be implemented as prototypes.

The "ZISteM" project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport Affairs and supplemented by active professional networking with stakeholders from politics, business, administration and research - including the city of Regensburg and R-Tech GmbH, which is involved as a partner in the EU project "RECIPROCITY" of the Cluster Mobility & Logistics. As part of Nacht.Schafft.Wissen, the e-scooter provider "Zeus" presented its new inductively chargeable scooters and its solar charging stations, known as "Littrees", at TechBase Regensburg. For the pilot phase, three of these innovative charging stations will be set up in Regensburg: at the Arcaden (south side of the main station), at Burgweinting station and at TechBase. During this time, it will also be tested whether e-scooters represent a sustainable mobility alternative to cars by linking them to public transport. Selected test users are accompanying the project.

In general, there was great interest in the project idea, the pilot phase and the networking of new mobility services.

The term "micromobility" refers to getting around with electrically motorized and non-motorized micro and light vehicles, also known as small electric vehicles. These include e-scooters, pedal scooters and skateboards. "Micromobility can complement traditional means of transportation well," Regensburg's planning and building officer Christine Schimpfermann was recently quoted as saying. E-scooters and other options offer the opportunity to bridge the so-called first and last mile.

The ZISteM project partners:

Press contact:

R-Tech GmbH
Tanja Braun
Head of Corporate Communication
Tel.: 0941/604 889-13

Project contact:

Dr. Annette Hofmann
Siemens AG
Otto-Hahn-Ring 6
81739 München, Deutschland
Mobil: +49 (173) 9754609
