TechBase Cluster Mobility & Logistics Pressemitteilung (Cluster Mobility & Logistics) DGO

Interactive workshop for Danube Peer Chains-EU project


Goal: Strengthening the Danube region for the digital transformation in the labor market

Regensburg, 16.12.2021 - The Digital Start-up Initiative Upper Palatinate is involved in the EU Interreg project "DanubePeerChains". The partners involved want to strengthen organizations and companies in the Danube region with knowledge and tools to promote the expansion of qualified jobs in the course of the digital transformation. As part of an interactive workshop, the participants developed concrete transnational pilot projects.

The current challenges on the labor market in the project partners' regions as well as the requirements in the value chains involved were taken into account. The participants agreed on the importance of digitalization, which as a cross-sectional technology is breaking through traditional value chains and will play a more or less pronounced role in all sectors in the future. In this workshop, the project partners specifically focused on the fields of "wood & furniture", "mechanical engineering" and "mechatronics, electronics & automation" as exemplary value chains. 

In some countries in the Danube region, there is still a great need for qualification in digitalization, especially in regions that are characterized by typical production sectors. Mentoring programs and the qualification of experts in innovative areas such as engineering, automation and robotics offer possible support here - depending on the needs of the respective Danube region and its target groups. At the end of the workshop, the participants presented their results in a plenary session. The prerequisites for the development of the individual transformative projects were transregional cooperation, the utilization of joint capacities and resources and the involvement of at least two SMEs from two countries per value chain.

The EU project involves 14 partners and five associated strategic partners from the countries of the Danube region. The Digital Start-up Initiative Upper Palatinate, of which R-Tech GmbH is the lead partner, is represented as a project partner from Germany alongside the Mechatronics & Automation Cluster.
