TechBase Cluster Mobility & Logistics Pressemitteilung (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Cluster Mobility & Logistics ignites next stage


Hydrogen network "HY2. ZERO" will be extended until the end of 2024

Kick-off for phase 2 of HY2.ZERO on 16.02.2023

The Mobility & Logistics Cluster has confirmed the continuation of the project "HY2. ZERO – Mobility needs hydrogen", which will continue to be funded by the "Central Innovation Program for SMEs" (ZIM) until the end of 2024. The network aims to promote the development of new hydrogen-based technologies for mobility applications. The first application projects are in the starting blocks.

In the project, specialists from different fields work together in joint R&D projects (research & development) on the following topics: technologies for the production of fuel cells, system components of fuel cells and technologies for the on-site production of hydrogen. Alexander Rupprecht, Managing Director of R-Tech GmbH, which manages the Mobility & Logistics cluster, is delighted: "New drive technologies play a central role in achieving climate protection goals. With "HY2. ZERO" we can actively shape this future topic." Cluster Manager Uwe Pfeil adds: "After completion of phase 1, we are now working on concrete application projects. Among other things, in the field of optimized power electronics or the production of hydrogen from residues such as biomass or non-biogenic industrial waste."

Members and interested parties can look forward to further exciting events on the subject of hydrogen and a second podcast series. The first season of HY2. ZERO podcasts with the network members is available on all common podcast portals. The HY2. ZERO network was launched in April 2021 and is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) as part of the funding program "Central Innovation Program for SMEs - ZIM" until the end of 2024. Further information can be found on our website.

About the Central Innovation Program for SMEs (ZIM)

The ZIM is a nationwide, technology- and industry-open funding program for medium-sized companies and cooperating business-related research institutions. The aim is to sustainably support the innovative strength and competitiveness of companies and thus contribute to their growth combined with the creation and safeguarding of jobs. ZIM offers funding opportunities for a wide range of technical innovation projects.

Press contact:
R-Tech GmbH
Tanja Braun
Head of Corporate Communications
0941/604 889-13

Cluster contact:
Cluster Mobility & Logistics
Uwe Pfeil
Cluster manager
Tel.: 0941/604 889-55
