AIR Regensburg TechBase Cluster Mobility & Logistics Pressemitteilung (Cluster Mobility & Logistics) DGO

5 million euro project for digitization in SMEs


R-Tech is a partner of the Digital Innovation Ostbayern (DInO) project

Optimistic mood and a great thirst for action: The team of the "East Bavarian European Digital Innovation Hub" (DInO) at the launch at the TH Deggendorf. Copyright notice: THD

R-Tech GmbH, a subsidiary of the City of Regensburg, is a partner of the "Digital Innovation Ostbayern (DInO)" project with its "Digital Start-up Initiative Upper Palatinate" and "Cluster Mobility & Logistics" projects. As one of 150 "European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH)" across Europe, the project partners support small and medium-sized companies in the introduction of new digital concepts. "DInO" has been launched with a term of three years.

Among other things, a team of networkers, researchers and start-up consultants is developing workshops on dedicated technologies to support SMEs in improving business/production processes, products or services using digital technologies. "With the "Cooperation Accelerator", for example, we are specifically networking start-ups and SMEs in order to tap into the innovation potential in Eastern Bavaria. The nine-month program includes a series of qualification workshops and networking events with a focus on technology transfer, targeted matchmaking and knowledge building for industry cooperation," says Alexander Rupprecht, Managing Director of R-Tech GmbH. The coordinator of the project is the Deggendorf Institute of Technology, other partners are the OTH Regensburg and the Bavarian AI Agency in Munich.

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dorner, coordinator of the project, explains that "the project provides so-called test-before-invest rooms in which companies have the opportunity to try out ideas, plans or even considerations in a laboratory environment with experts". In this way, the opportunities of new technologies such as cyber security, eye tracking, machine learning and artificial intelligence, Internet of Things & drones, high-performance computing or 5G can be evaluated and tailored to the respective companies before major investments are made, adds Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mottok from OTH.

The project also offers SMEs three further pillars of support. "Skills and Training", "Support to find Investment" and "Innovation Ecosystem" are the names of these offerings relating to the topic of digitalization. When it comes to financing new ideas, there will also be advice on the various options for investment grants and funding guidelines.

There is also access to a large network of potential investors. "The Innovation Ecosystem promotes networking with potential customers, partners, colleagues and other institutions both regionally and throughout Europe," says Uwe Pfeil, Manager of the Mobility & Logistics cluster. "This includes 1:1 matchings for SMEs looking for dedicated partners, but also larger events that offer the opportunity to exchange ideas."

The project is to be launched at the beginning of November together with the Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs. DInO-Hub is one of three European hubs in Bavaria alongside "Bayern Innovativ" in Nuremberg and the Medical Valley's "DigiHealthHub" in Erlangen. The focus here is clearly on SMEs and public administrations in rural regions and therefore in a different environment than the digital transformation is usually thought of.

Press contact THD:
Deggendorf Institute of Technology
Press Office
Dieter-Görlitz-Platz 1
94469 Deggendorf

Press contact R-Tech GmbH:
R-Tech GmbH
c/o TechBase
Tanja Braun                              
Tel.: 0941/604 889-13
