TechBase Cluster Mobility & Logistics Pressemitteilung (Cluster Mobility & Logistics) DGO

Podcast HY2.ZERO provides impulses for sustainable mobility


Successful start to season 2

The "HY2.ZERO - Mobility needs hydrogen" network is launching the second season of its podcast of the same name with exciting guests. The new episodes feature interviews with leading regional companies and institutions. With their respective specialist backgrounds, they present their solutions in the field of new hydrogen-based technologies in the mobility sector, and news from the industry is addressed and discussed.

The second season of the podcast promises further inspiring content and insights into the world of new drive technologies and is aimed at anyone who is passionate about green mobility. Project manager of the HY2.ZERO network Katja Eichinger, who is hosting the current season, is convinced of the added value of the podcast: "In each episode, listeners can expect valuable practical knowledge and background information on the companies presented, providing points of contact for potential contacts or collaborations." The podcast's target group includes members of the Cluster Mobility & Logistics as well as professionally and technologically experienced users, providers, research institutions and start-ups who are interested in the topics of fuel cells, hydrogen and power electronics in connection with sustainable mobility.

In the first episode of the second season, you will hear Thomas Eichenseher from the State Agency for Energy and Climate Protection (LENK). As a competence and advisory center of the Bavarian state government, LENK, based in the TechBase Regensburg, supports the implementation of the energy transition and the Bavarian climate protection offensive (LINK can be found here).

The podcast "HY2.ZERO" is recorded every three to four weeks and is available on various platforms - including the website of the Cluster Mobility & Logistics, Apple Podcast, Audible and Spotify. The first season of the podcast is also available to listen to on these platforms. 

About the "HY2.ZERO - Mobility needs hydrogen" network

The HY2.ZERO network was launched in April 2021 and is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) as part of the "Central Innovation Program for SMEs - ZIM" funding program until the end of 2024. In the project, specialists from various fields work together in joint R&D projects. The focus is on the production of fuel cells, system components for fuel cells and technologies for the on-site production of hydrogen. Further information can be found on our website.


Press contact:
R-Tech GmbH
Tanja Braun
Head of Corporate Communications
Phone: 0941/604 889-13

Cluster contact:
Cluster Mobility & Logistics
Uwe Pfeil
Cluster Manager
Phone: 0941/604 889-55
