Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Active exchange during the tour of the IZPL


Innovation center for production and logistics

On November 15, 2023, the Mobility & Logistics Cluster and OTH Regensburg invited participants to visit the Innovation Center for Production and Logistics (IZPL) as part of the Digital Logistics Working Group. This event offered participants the opportunity to gain an exclusive insight into the current projects of the IZPL, a research group of the East Bavarian Technical University of Regensburg.

The Innovation Center for Production and Logistics carries out development and research activities. The focus is on the efficient design of processes, the sensible automation of process steps and their digital mapping in order to support planning and control. The IZPL works closely with companies on projects. The IZPL also supports companies in optimizing their processes as part of industrial projects and helps to establish new technologies in the company. The topics and projects presented included innovative areas such as image processing and Kanban, artificial intelligence in layout planning, the digital factory twin in virtual reality and digital twins as a decision-making aid, particularly in the context of internal transport systems.

Many thanks to the Innovation Center for Production and Logistics for the exciting insights.
