Transform-R Rückblick (Transform-R) Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Smart mobility solutions with a European perspective


Presented at the 4th Regensburg Transport Congress

Mayor of the City of Regensburg, Ludwig Artinger, said in his welcoming address: "from 3 times it's a tradition". The Regensburg Transport Congress took place for the 4th time on September 28, 2023. This established an event format dedicated to one of the most important and pressing issues of our time: How can we use innovative technologies to make the mobility of our cities smarter and, above all, more climate-friendly?

Alexander Rupprecht, Managing Director of R-Tech GmbH, also emphasized in his welcoming address that cities and neighbourhoods of the future should become more sustainable, quieter and healthier. There are plenty of designs and visions, but not every utopia of today will become reality tomorrow. But if only some of them succeed, the cities of today can look to the future with confidence.


The presentations by Heribert Kalteis, Deputy Operations Manager, Stadtwerk Regensburg.Mobilität GmbH, on "Emission-free public transport in Regensburg" and by Tobias Ruf, Head of Urban Development Projects, City of Regensburg, on "The future of districts: mobility in the innovation district of the former Prinz Leopold barracks and adjacent areas" showed what concrete solutions look like in Regensburg. 


However, the event also dared to look beyond Regensburg's own backyard to our European neighbors. It was not only the welcoming address by Thomas Rudner, Member of the European Parliament and Member of the European Transport Committee, in his virtual address to the more than 120 participants at the congress that highlighted the European perspective; Anne Häner, Project Manager of the Mobility & Logistics Cluster, also described in her presentation how and what we can learn from other regions in concrete terms. The EU project RECIPROCITY had set itself the goal of identifying innovative mobility concepts for rural, inner-city and peri-urban areas and replicating them elsewhere. 


An accompanying trade exhibition took place alongside the lecture program. A wide range of mobility solutions from Stadtwerks Regensburg were on display here: the autonomous shuttle "Emilia", the EMIL e-bus, EARL e-car sharing and an 11m-long bus from the new electrified bus fleet.

In addition, the following companies presented their solutions on the topic:

aluco GmbH
das Stadtwerk Regensburg GmbH
IG Historische Straßenbahn e.V.
Logistik-Initiative Regensburg
PB Consult GmbH

The transport congress was moderated by Uwe Pfeil, Cluster Manager of the Mobility & Logistics Cluster.

We would also like to thank our media partner VISION mobility.


The event was part of the German government's transformation networks. The Regensburg-based project transform.r supports companies in coping with structural change in the automotive industry.
