Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Exchange of experience among ZIM network managers


Shaping more efficient ZIM innovation networks together

On June 14, 2023, the exchange of experiences for ZIM network managers took place at the Leibniz Association in Berlin.

The Mobility & Logistics Cluster was represented for our HY2.ZERO - Mobility needs hydrogen network.

Under the title "Communication workshop: designing more efficient ZIM innovation networks together", the focus this year was on administrative priorities in the ZIM and specific issues within innovation networks.

In group work, the participants developed helpful tips on various topics such as "Generating ideas for R&D projects", "Creating good project applications" and "Options for continuing a network after funding ends".

The event format included many opportunities for exchange and speed networking and thus provided ample opportunity to get to know other ZIM networks and their network managers and to learn from their experiences.
