Transform-R Rückblick (Transform-R) Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Reflections on the future of the automotive industry in the Regensburg region


Review Strategy Dialog Automotive Regensburg

Discussing the challenges of the future in a time-honored atmosphere - this is what the Automotive Regensburg Strategy Dialogue met for on 21.09.2023 as part of the transform.r project. It was the second meeting of the committee at which experts from the region came together to discuss the challenges facing the regional automotive industry. The event provided a platform for an intensive exchange on current trends and developments in the industry. The event took place in the old Herzogssaal at Domplatz in Regensburg, where the historical atmosphere was combined with topics relating to the latest technologies.

A key topic of discussion was the shortage of skilled workers. This affects all sectors and also poses immense challenges for the automotive industry in the Regensburg region. Major technological opportunities for the regional automotive industry are the use of artificial intelligence and automation in the production environment. The Automotive Regensburg Strategy Dialogue discussed approaches for shaping the future of the automotive industry around Regensburg, how the regional innovation ecosystem can be further strengthened and how collaborations can be initiated.

The event was followed by a networking dinner, which was attended by an Israeli delegation from the IT sector. This gave participants the opportunity to exchange ideas with international experts and make new contacts. The Israeli delegation provided exciting insights into current technological developments in Israel. Overall, both sides benefited greatly from the exchange and it was an extremely successful evening.

And what's next? The transform.r project is currently working intensively on a target vision for the regional automotive industry. Building on the numerous results from workshops, surveys and interviews from the first year of the project, we are now going into the details of the target image and the insights gained.

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