Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Network conference “HY2.ZERO - Mobility needs hydrogen”


Final meeting of the innovation network

The Cluster Mobility & Logistics hosted the final meeting of “HY2.ZERO - Mobility needs hydrogen” at TechBase Regensburg on November 26, 2024.

The innovation network was launched in April 2021. Phase 2 has been running since January 2023 and will continue until the end of this year. The common goal is to support the industrialization of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies through new and improved solutions.

However, there will also be further events and networking around the topic of hydrogen in the future: Together with the Green Tech Cluster in the format Hydrogen Roundtable Regensburg H2.R.

After a network retrospective and outlook by Uwe Pfeil and Katja Eichinger, Cluster Moblility & Logistics, the presentation by Michelle Vinke from the hydrogen cluster HZwo e.V. allowed a look beyond the region: As project manager, she presented the national transformation hub cH2ance and its offerings such as the interactive knowledge platform or the fuel cell system kit.

Jonas Ott from the Wörth-Wiesent Technology Campus of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology then presented the current status of Direkt-H2. The project topic is local hydrogen production through highly efficient direct current coupling. The simulation presented aroused particular interest and encouraged discussion.

The event concluded with a visit to the Hydrogen Technologies for Transport laboratory at OTH Regensburg under the direction of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Peter Rabl: Dr. Stefan Miller from Hyperthermics Regensburg GmbH and Ottfried Schmidt from OTH Regensburg presented the joint BiReMiH2 project. The focus is on the development of a continuous process for biohydrogen production from organic residues using hyperthermophilic microorganisms and model-based gas quality sensors.

Further networking opportunities arose over lunch together in the SpeicherBar.

